

I'm feeling all brain zoomy, today. I want to journal more, spend more time with my new deck, but I can't even get a half hour. I'm thinking high, deep thoughts, and don't have the space mentally or physically to act on it.

I went walking in the garden today, and was very excited to discover that my lavender bush, after like, three years, is finally blooming! I've already got big plans, for the flowers. It does my heart worlds of good, to see my "babies" growing, thriving, and returning year after year, stronger, bigger, and better.

Luiz blogged about a dream that he had, regarding a haunted painting, that he exorcized, calling upon the Biblical God, to aid him. Interesting, and very powerful. I'm not going to recap it here, it's very detailed, and deep. In a nutshell, I feel like it's a signpost, a marker from the 'Verse, that he's entering into a new phase, spiritually. He has broken free of the oppressive bonds of the Witness peerage, and can appreciate his background in religious teaching, and choose from it what bouys him up, and enriches his spirituality, comfortably blending it with his new knowledge and mindset.

There's a lot more to it, but I am blogging here because we will be doing an in-depth reading about it, tonight. I might use my new deck, I might use one of my older ones. We'll see how it feels. I'm going all high magic, tonight. I'm clearing the room and creating the space. It's been awhile, and I feel the need to walk there.

Mostly, I'm blogging right now, beacuse I can't do any of the stuff I want to do, there's a houseful of yelling boys playing video games. Maybe I'll go back out and walk in the garden some more.

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