I haven't meaningfully read the cards in about a month. I have two friends who are waiting for an online reading from me, and it never leaves my mind, but every time I have a bit of time, I can't seem to do it. I haven't been reading for myself either.
When I read for other people, especially when I have the luxury of doing an online reading, I like to create a space, meditate, and really focus, as though I were doing a paid one on one reading. Even if it's not a paid reading, it's important to me to do it with a professional air.
I have an hour, right now, between work and when the house fills with people, and before I could even consider my cards, I have to clean the kitchen (physically clean space is as important as psychically clean space), select my deck, gather my stuff, meditate myself into the headspace, and by the time I got prepared...the hour would be up, and...bah.
There's too much earthly static, lately, with the holidays, and my increased work schedule. I've not been sleeping at night, and have been dragging through the day. The paid tarot reading jobs haven't been coming as frequently lately, either, so no real reason to constantly do it.
Now that I got this all off my chest, maybe I can start working towards fixing all the problems, eh?
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