So, no Halloween ritual, this year. We were in Connecticut. More accurately, we were driving home from Ct. During my normal time. We got home shortly before midnight, and for a hot minute, I was thinking "there's still time!" Then reality hit, and I realized...totally exhausted, totally unprepared. I was feeling dejected. Last Halloween wasn't so hot either. I had a nervous breakdown, last year, in fact, and wound up crying at the foot of my bed, curled into a ball. Luiz put it into perspective, when he said that I didn't need that special Halloween ritual, that the time was well spent working on family time. The trip to Ct. was excellent for Irv and Alden to bond, and spend some honest to god unforced quality time together. That's as important as any ritual, and I'm glad I focused my energies there, this year. I'm forever encouraging Luiz not to get hung up on particulars, and be flexible enough to learn many things, and be able to "drink from many cups" so to speak. Like, a bowl of water, can be as powerful as any Enochian Vision Table or whatever. I need to listen to my own preaching sometimes, and remember that any old fucking Tuesday night can be just as powerful as Halloween. It's inspired me to prepare, and plan for just such a night.
Speaking of Tuesday nights. The Shoesday thing has taken off, for me. Two weeks ago, I did one on the Cornucopia Princess, a dinner cruise, and made the most money I've ever made, and I've got one coming up this Tuesday at Piero's, a fancy restaurant. The Thursday nights at Aders has dropped off. Honestly, it wasn't worth my time. I haven't been reading for myself much, lately, but I mean to remedy that soon. Tonight, being a Saturday, might be out, because I know Irv is dying to go to the bar and hang out, but I'm thinking tomorrow night might be a good time to clear the table, clear my mind, and really get into the cards. My energy supplies have been drained to empty, by mundane things, lately. So much so that I crash, shaking into bed every night, I'm emotional and frazzled. It's been getting better the past few days, so it's time to start getting the gears working again.