
Got a lot done today, magickally speaking.  We went to Red Bank for the final stuff I needed, basically just red sandalwood since Mountain Rose didn't have it, for whatever reason.  I also picked up a few new stones, an opaque blue stone the color of an October sky.  It's called angelite, which sounds hokey to me, but everything in Earth Spirits comes with a faint air of hokey, till I get it home, wash it, and make it mine.  Anyway, it just sang "purification" so, I scooped it right up.  I also picked up a new bloodstone, thinking it would be nice to have one...but when I went through my stones, I noticed I had like seven of them already.  What can I say, I really love bloodstone.  Seeing them all in the palm of my hand looked downright medicinal.  Maybe when I'm done working on the current project, I'll do a healing something.  I found an old empty gris gris bag, with the runes still seared into the leather, and still smelling faintly of dusty herbs.  I remember that one. It was designed for psychic power. To help the Sight.  It worked. I'm doing one for healing, I think, or just to stay healthy. They're very satisfying to put together, and unlike regular spells, when it's all said and done, you have this little locus of energy, this little power nugget to concentrate on.  Fucking cool.  Very hands-on too.

So, bringing these new stones home made me feel wistful and weird that my stones aren't in a special place anymore, just all thrown in a dishpan when we had to take the furniture out of the living room.  I haven't restored my Space since Sandy. All my tarot cards are stashed in the card catalog, but my altar fixtures were kind of scattered to the four winds. They still are a little, but it's better.  After Red Bank, we cleaned up my side of the bedroom, dusted and dedicated not only a sacred altar space, but we cleaned off my vanity and made a place for all my stones, and a small space for Luiz, too.  It felt good to do that. I'm still feeling a little euphoric, working in such close proximity to all my stones and objects of power.  I really wish I could find my athame, though. It got put somewhere when the flood hit.  It's eluding me, and that's bothering me.

A week from yesterday, is the time of the first ritual.  I've got everything ready now, except the athame.

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