
Falling Into Complacency

Sometimes, I short change myself, or people very close to me. I'll do a spread, and a card that comes up often pops up, and I gloss it over by saying something like "And here we see the Magician. Well, we all know what that means!" It's easy to just chalk up the common cards as a given, sort of a marker in any situation. It happens most when I lean on one deck too much, because it's the same image, day after day, sometimes. When I stop to think about this, it bothers me, because as we all know...it might NOT mean the same thing, in fact, I owe it to myself and my querant to kick that out of my mind, and read as fresh as though it's something I've never seen before.

Swapping decks around seems to boot my ass out of this rut. Perhaps it's time to sock the Robin Wood away for a bit, and do something different.

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