
The truths they already know

Lately, when doing readings, for both friends and strangers, I've been getting this a lot, "I sort of thought so, but you helped confirm it." or "I was afraid of that." or things along those lines.  Sometimes, tarot seems to make whatever nebulous idea, hope or fear, concrete, for someone.  The truth exists whether I read for it or not. People know more than they let themselves believe.  It's nice to go along with whatever feels pleasant or easy, or makes you happy, but the truth is there hanging around no matter what.  The hardest readings come when the truth reveals itself, and the sitter says "but I can't..."  Those are the worst.  It's difficult to watch friends and strangers box themselves in.

That happened with a reading the other day.  A man being strung along and manipulated in a glaring case of unrequited love.  Every card looking at it from her perspective, every single one was a sword.  Every card from his perspective was a major or a cup. It came out that she lied constantly from the moment they met, and that she only kept him around as a "maybe" because she knows what she can get from him (financially.).  Finally, after this exhausting roller coaster ride, I asked "How can S. help himself?"  There's the swords.  8 of Swords.  In relation to the question, and because the 8 of Swords came up for a question regarding the girl's feelings, before, I said simply. "Be like her.  Surround yourself with cold logic, protect your heart, gird yourself with rationality."

"But I can't," he says.  "she needs me."

The 8 of Swords? I should have told him the whole thing. It's him, imprisoning himself, he keeps going around and around in this dangerous, painful hamster wheel, because he, in some way...likes it. He takes comfort in being this brokenhearted heroic, romantic soul.

What can I say to that?  I don't get paid for commentary, I just get paid to pass along the message.  Hopefully it sticks. This time, I'm sure it didn't.

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