
Proof Positive

This is a good start, towards making me happy and decluttering.  Today, I cleaned off my bookshelf and organized my tarot collection.  Shown is the 50 or so active decks and some collectors.  Not shown is the drawer of unloved lovelies that I'm ready to trade off, and the first ed. Bohemian Gothic regular and silver editions, as well as the second edition pewter edition.  Down here is the second edition regular "seconds" deck.  Also...I like Deviant Moon, ok?  I love the unique artwork on his signed wrapped editions!

Seeing my bookshelf like that is awesome, too.  Now everything is right there.  When things are clean, Luiz is less inclined to stash my books in his deep dark shelves.

Tonight, maybe before I settle into a video game miasma, I'll dink around with Osho Zen for a bit.

Oracle Energy

I've been reading a lot of cards for other people, lately.  Not professionally, not for a long time, but for friends and family.  Every day, at least, sometimes a few times a day.  If not for that, I may have laid them aside, again.

I haven't read for myself in ages.  My cards are in a disheveled heap on my shelf, and I haven't been inspired to care for them or wander amongst them.  I've been using a standard "easy" deck for most things, and not stretching myself.

I should change the name of this blog from "Spinning the Web" to "Spinning my Wheels".

I'm only writing about it, because I notice it.  I've already put a plan into motion. I've been using an oracle deck for readings, because I haven't had the energy to really "connect" and I don't want to give cold readings. Even if it is for the same poor sap that hits up my inbox (and has for years) obsessing over this one chick that he STILL can't land.  Reading for him is good practice, so instead of giving him the "blah blah blah" treatment, I switched to Morgan's Tarot. It was a refreshing change, and sparked off an evening of tarot fun time, seeing if the oracle deck could answer serious questions.  I even compared it side by side with the most serious of my decks (serious, nonsensical, deep, pretty, with no further ado...) the Thoth.  A serious question's answer came back XX The Aeon from Thoth, and "AWAKE!" from Morgan's.  That pretty much did it for me.

For whatever reason, that sent me on a spiraling search for more intuitive oracle decks, and I wound up grabbing the Osho Zen (which I've had my eye on forever) and an oracle that utilizes sacred geometry.

Recently a close friend and I were discussing the importance of intuition (or, more like I was hamhandedly lecturing) vs. intellect.  I encouraged him to reach past the jungle gym if his extremely powerful intellect, and poke an intuitive finger into the universe.  Maybe I was really telling myself that, too.  Quit thinking, you're wearing yourself to a frazzle, and start feeling more.  Osho Zen is helping with that, like the oracles are.

As above, so below.  To see this through, I plan on minimalizing the stuff laying around,  and decluttering my space.  Today, I'm starting with my mystical bookshelves, moving to my desk, and other mundane things.